Beyond the Smoke: Better Tobacco Alternatives

There are many alternatives to tobacco and smoking. But, not all are equal. Here’s how to find the better tobacco alternatives in SA.

Enkosi to the digital era, South Africa's vast landscape isn't the only element abundant in variety; we are spoilt for choice. The world of tobacco alternatives is as diverse as we all are.

Whether you're a music lover seeking the ideal work Lo-Fi playlist or a foodie hunting for the next culinary delight, a short online search will serve you a feast of options you can choose from.

Ready? Let's explore the many smoking and tobacco alternatives together.

One substitute for traditional cigarettes is the e-cigarette. Instead of using tobacco, they use flavour-infused e-liquids. The e-liquids are heated to generate an aerosol, or what some users may call vapour. There is a very wide range of e-cigarettes and e-liquids on the market, all with varying performance.

There is also another category of tobacco which is an alternative to cigarettes, called “heat-not-burn” or heated tobacco. Heated tobacco products like IQOS™ are a great example of a heat-not-burn alternative to smoking.

How Does IQOS™ Differ from Traditional Cigarettes?

The overall experience of using an IQOS device is different to conventional smoking. Unlike cigarettes, IQOS does not burn tobacco and therefore produces no smoke. However, IQOS is not risk-free and provides nicotine, which is addictive.

How IQOS Devices Work

The significant difference in the method of nicotine delivery by IQOS devices aims to create a less harmful experience compared to traditional combustion-based methods or smoking. Tobacco combustion can produce temperatures of 600 degrees Celsius or higher at the lit end of a cigarette. During combustion, around 6,000 chemicals are generated, and it is these chemicals that produce tar and other chemicals that are harmful to your body.  However, IQOS devices control your device to heat your tobacco sticks at a consistent temperature of 350°C, preventing the tobacco from burning and producing harmful smoke and chemicals. The core design of new IQOS ILUMATM devices includes a SMARTCORE INDUCTION SYSTEM™ (, which evenly heats the tobacco inside what are called TEREA™ tobacco sticks.

The Benefits of Using IQOS as an Alternative to Smoking Cigarettes*.

As IQOS ILUMA produces less smell than cigarettes, it is less likely to bother people around you.* IQOS ILUMA emits on average 95% lower levels of harmful chemicals compared to cigarettes.**  Many consumers agree that IQOS ILUMA produces no bad odour.***

* 85% agreement amongst 674 adult consumers in Japan and Italy, 2020 – 2021.

Important information: This does not necessarily equal a 95% reduction in risk.
IQOS ILUMA is not risk-free.


** “95% less” represents the average reduction in levels of the 9 chemicals recommended for reduction in cigarette smoke by the World Health Organization, which do not include nicotine. It does not necessarily equal a 95% reduction in risk.

*** 65% agreement amongst 674 adult consumers in Japan and Italy, 2020 – 2021.

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